Lev Brodkin
We always hear it around us, but we never pay much attention.
It makes the movies so charmed and magical.
It's like a texture that words can't say properly.
It's one of the gifts that God has given to the mankind.
At the end of the day: We Can't Imgine Our Life Without It : MUSIC!
Behind all the glorious and fabulous movies
that we love so much,
stand a Great composers which work days and nights to give us
the spellbind spirits that would follow us during the movies and may stay with us forever!
My name is Lev Brodkin.
And I'm a composer.
As a teenager I noticed that I am attracted to movie's music.
One has made it all started : Hans Zimmer!
I began to study music on my own at the age of 22.
A lot of self-learning, experiences, failures, tears, disappointments, prayers
and sitting in front of the keyboard with a lots of questions,
to the point where I sell you quality music with lots of love in it.
I hope you enjoy my site and my music.
Best regards
and a lot of great music,
Lev Brodkin.
I would like to give to Maxim Sauda Special thanks for any help during the process, from its beginning to this very moment.
This gratitude is the least I can do
from what he really deserve.
Huge thanks Max!